

DUE DATES | BIO PAGE INFO. | SSS | BIRTHDAYS ETC. | GENDER/INTUITION | BABY NAMES? | WHERE WE LIVE | FAMILY WEBSITES | NicsMom | K9wife96 | mommytorres | NicoleE (was novajet) | ajpr2 | Kimber1773 | mrsjodi | KristiD | Diana101 | MorningGlory | Pamela444 | Kimbarlow | teuslisa | NancyGar | Angieh29 | momof2sillyboys | Betsy4 | JenM422 | someday_mom | laumau | MelissaM | ElsieB | Hannahsmommy2 | Lee | momtosully | JenniferJean | Baby4Marilyn | MaggieS | Sari
SC2 Mommies 2002

Hi! My name is Pamela!

I am an older mom-to-be with two daughters ages 14 and 19. While I had no problems conceiving my first two, this one began to take awhile. With the help of a good RE and pergonal, we were able to get pregnant on our first attempt at IUI. The RE found that I had PCOS which is an insulin resistance problem that can cause a lack of ovulation. Finding that out answered so many questions. As I began to research into PCOS, I was amazed to find out how it tied into my weight problem. It was fascinating. Jason, my precious DH, is thrilled to be a daddy-to-be. This will be his first biological child. Our older daughters are his by what matters the most... heart. He has been 100% involved in every aspect of my testing and subsequent pregnancy. In fact, he has had to learn to give me progesterone shots and does a wonderful job of it. When he is unable to do a shot, my 14 year old daughter, Laura, steps in. She was nervous the first time, but is a pro at it now. She and her older sister, Marcie, are thrilled about the new baby. I have invited them both to the birth. Marcie will be there. Laura is still trying to decide if she can handle it. While I will never overuse their offer to babysit, who better to be a babysitter than a child I've already raised? They are the best work I have ever accomplished and they know exactly how Momma would handle any situation. I am so blessed to be at this point in my life. I'm enjoying every aspect of pregnancy. This time I know it is important to enjoy the freedom we have to get away and do things at the spur of the moment before the baby comes. Once he/she is here, I will be content to stay at home to nurture and play with our new bundle of joy.

U/S Results: IT'S A BOY!!!

My Due Date is: April 22, 2002